Oh Crap, This Is What I Make It (with César Sierra)Oh Crap, This Is What I Make It (with César Sierra)

Oh Crap, This Is What I Make It

César Sierra

Feeling like your week is lacking a dash of Did I Do That? You could add something—it’s just a suggestion! Freelance brand and identity designer César Sierra joins Sean to talk about gamifying Jiffy Mix, getting lost with Matt, and Busytown careers. Will Sean get rabies before the season is over? There’s only one way to find out!

You can find César’s work on their website, cesarsierra.net! If you’re looking to hire César, connect with them on Linked in at linkedin.com/in/cesarvsierra!

This episode was recorded Sunday, April 14, 2024, in the Rat’s Nest. Though I (again) forgot to shout him out in the outro, this episode was edited by the great Orion Cortez! Thanks, Orion!

May 16, 2024
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